
Showing posts from October, 2017

ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT SCRAPBOOK | A Collection of Wise Words and A Biography of The Author

ENGLISH ASSIGNMENT SCRAPBOOK “A Collection of Wise Words and A Biography of  The Author” Written by : 1.       Ahmad Tafsirul H N S              (03) 2.       Muhammad Ilham Shodiq      (17) Class : XII MIPA 1 PEMERINTAH KABUPATEN KEBUMEN DINAS PENDIDIKAN PEMUDA DAN OLAH RAGA SMA NEGERI 1 KUTOWINANGUN Jl. Raya Barat No. 185 Kutowinangun 2017 PREFACE Thank to Almighty God who has given His bless to the writer for finishing the scrapbook entitled “A Collection of Wise Words and A Biography of  The Author”. The writer also wish to express his deep and sincere gratitude for those who have guided in completing this paper. This scrapbook contains some example of wise words from several authors,and several themes. In this scrapbook also contain the biography of the authors,so we can to know about it more deeply. Hopefully, this scrapbook can help the readers to expand their knowledge about English reading. Kutowiangun, January 21 s